Friday, November 28, 2008

sayangness of mine!

this is my baby darling, sheda.
people, meet sheda. :)

today is sheda's birthday!


i wish u :

1. always happy happy and happy.
2. you would get whatever you want, insyALLAH.
3. success in whatever you do.
4. GOD bless is with you always.

babe, even we are distance apart, i would always love you.
i would always miss you evethough i couldn't always hear your laugh, see your smile, and listen to all your luahan hati.
because you're my strength that i always hold on to
in every thick and thin during our time in Beseri.
i miss our time together.
really, really, really miss it.

happy 18th birthday SHEDA.

i love you.


Ko_Kenal said...

Eiyyyyy Mireya,

What a good write up. it would be better if you change your "I wish U" to I always pray & doa:

1. ...
2. ...
3. ...
4. ...

InsyaALLAh, ALLAH will makbul.
Sorry, don't be angry for me for being pandai-pandai giving advice without being asked. It is all for improvement.


Mireya said...

so nice of you :)

terharu. auw!
tak marah. nasehat menasehati, kan?


deena said...

bell.bday aku december.
xde org tanye tp aku kactau ;)

Mireya said...

oke oke.
aku paham maksud anda itu.
hahaha ;)