Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Confession of A Bimbo : Extra Money

One day, I was at the airport waiting for my flight to Kuala Terengganu. I was feeling very, very, very sad. I felt like crying and I was literally on the verge of tears.

Don't ask me why because I honestly don't know. It was 'that' time of the month, again.

But, I do remember one of the reasons of me feeling sad. It was because of this guy that I knew during my training period in Kuala Terengganu. This guy that has taught me that nice guys still exist and they are just as good looking and as charming as the bad boys, a guy that has showed me that there are still Malay (sorry, racist) guys who aren't a jerk.

I was head over heels with him. But I knew we couldn't get anywhere because he was like a prince who has lived in a castle all his life and I'm like the pauper who could only dream of how a castle look like.

And that made me sad.

So, sebagai perempuan normal yang hanya boleh menghilangkan rasa sedih di hatinya dengan bershopping, I did the same thing.

I went to the ATM and checked the balance in my account. I was surprised with the amount of money I had left in my account! I've got extra money!


So, feeling contented, I went to the cosmetic counter and bought myself a new lipstick and an eyeliner which cost me almost a couple hundreds.

But, I don't mind it at all, I was happy and smiling...until my flight departed to its destination.

That was the time when I just realized why there were so much money left in the bank. It was because...


So that month, despite being broke, I managed to look dashing thanks to the new lipstick and eyeliner.

Thank God for makeups!

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