Saturday, January 9, 2010


Tak sampai separuh abad pun peristiwa 13 Mei terjadi, dah nak ulang balik?

Stop doing stupid things. Tunggu je keputusan mahkamah. Semoga kebenaran di pihak kita. And if it weren't, mungkin ada hikmah di sebaliknya.

Berdosa bakar rumah ibadat agama lain. Islam itu indah, and you people are not showing the beauty of Islam.

Spread the love, people. Be smart, baca balik al-Quran and sunnah.

Bukan belajar macam mana nak buat cocktail molotov.



Mohamad Nazmi Zaidi said... did you know it was Moslem who torched the churches?

Mireya said...

after my mother brought that up, i think i need to post a new post to clear everything.
heh. im the shallow one.