Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Seperti Baru Kelmarin Rasanya Menyambut 2010

Okay lame Mira, lame gilaaa sangat lemau nauzubillah.

Oh, saya baru perasan yang saya terlajak. I supposed to write a cheesy wedges post about how my 2010 , the insights and blah blah blah. To be honest, sebenarnya saya tak ada idea nak tulis and saya tak ada mood nak tulis.

You see, kalau I tak ada mood, you could notice it, maybe you tak perasan, tapi kalau I tulis post time tengah emo or time tengah tak ada mood, I rasa macam post tu lemau semacam macam tak fire-y (selama ni berapi sangat ke aku tulis noks ? Okay biar laah I nak perasan yu shadap)

Okay sekarang I nak tulis about my 2010 tapi tak adalah tulis according to months like years before ni, sebab honestly, saya tak berapa ingat what happened on each months, plus 2010 was really not a good year for meeee TOTALLY SAYA TAK SUKA so I feel like deleting the memory piu piu delete delete scratchhhhh ! Emo sial gua.

So here the insights :

1. Akhirnya saya dah ada boiprenggg !

Hahaha ayat tak boleh desperado lagi ke kak ? AKHIRNYA ?? My God Miwaaa ! Okay whatever biar lah I nak excited ada boipreng, okayyy. So, setelah lama menjanda akhirnya ada jugak manusia yang boleh tahan my shits and everything. Okay, tak payah lah going too details sebab kalau saya tulis banyak banyak pecah lah rahsia romantik guaa bhai.

Lagipun kalau boipreng I Khairul Fahmi Penjaga Gol (Khairul Fahmi kan nama dia ? I ingat ingat lupa laa yuu) baru lah berbaloi cerita boleh buat aweks aweks luar sana jealous sampai nak santau ke bomoh I ke tapi since it's not, no thanks. (Macam ada orang nak tau sangaaatt shadappyuu)


Okay al-kisahnya changing decades sucks. Ye lah dah masuk dekad baru umur pun dah tukar nombor kat depan (cliche cliche clichee amaaaattttt) so kena lah berubah macam macam kann ? Itu ini, responsible blah blah, whatever and saya kan tak sukaa all these things tapi terpaksa in order to be mature so yeah pretty much 2010 memang sucks donkey balls yee-hawk !

3. My academic

It's entahlah for the first half of the year it sucksss ! Okay, time tu ponteng kelas terbanyak dalam sejarah duniaaa sumpah my first year second semester I ponteng kelas tak ingat dunia sampai waktu final I was like "Oh, shit what did I learned in class ? Oh yeah, I'm not going to one !" literally, babe, literally. Sangat gilaaa kan ? But the second half of the year, I got my grip and I studied with quite a decent amount of time, mean ada lah masa mengulangkaji and tell you what,


What an achievement. Tapi I still screwed my finals. Dammon.

And tell you, honestly I got revelations during my second year first semester. I learned yang saya ni dah almost three years belajar kat sini, tapi only once I got a decent results. So, yelah rasa macam a douche kot like what kau belajar TIGA TAHUN tapi result elok sekali, make it worse, kau ditaja okayyyyy ? And all you have to do is study but still kau kerjanya berpoya poya studynya tak nak lagi lah dah dapat boipreng ni semestinya kerja asyik datingggg je kannn bila kau nak study and dapat result cunn ?


Well, mari kita lihatlah progressnya untuk tahun 2011 kan ? I rasa I cakap berdegar-degar time ni je meremba tetap jugakk study lah melayang entah ke manaa. Damn please pray for me people.

4. I realized I'm not a good person.

As I mentioned earlier that I tak suka 2010 because it made me realized what a douche I am. Sebab tu I dapat idea of being zen and all. Tapi sebenarnya, I tak boleh zen, I can't be zen because this is who I am. I memang born douche (okay pathetic amat) saya memang tak pleasant, memang garang, kuar meroyan, sarkastik, and all the negative shits, but I'm happy that way. And bila I happy, that way baru I boleh buat orang lain happy. Sebab bila I happy, I tak kacau orang. So fuck zenity, this is me. I could adapt, tapi nak berubah, it takes time and tak tahu lah macam mana maybe lepas grad kut like what three to two years more ? Baru I boleh like, TOTAL ZEN.

And sesiapa yang I've hurt before, please I'm asking for your forgiveness. Kalau you guys think that I really owe you an apology, please tell me, inform me, email me, anything, that way I'll know what I did you wrong, nanti kita jumpa and settle. Sebab I tak suka knowing someone mad at me for what I've done. I know I suck, big time.

Okay, saya dah emo. But I mean it yo.

Well, I think that pretty much it. It sums up everything. Semua lah. Saya ada buat resolutions, a few resolutions, but I better keep it to myself sebab apa tau, I realized kalau I bagitau orang about what I wanna do, I'll end up not doing it. So yeah, supertitious freak you say, I'll sayyyyy saya nak jugak buat resolutions tu ! Okay gila sekejap.

By the way, 2011 started off perfectly dengan I dapat jumpa my forever darling, Miss Rashidah Radzali, berjalan, shopping, buat benda yang perempuan suka, heeee so yeah I'm feeling rather optimistic for 2011. Gosh pleassseee don't kill the feeling, pweeetttyyy pleaseee.

And I hope I'll write more in 2011 sebab in 2010, I busy meroyan sampai lupa nak update MUAHAHA !

Okay this is during new year haritu. I sambut new year dengan pergi shopping sebab the next day tu Year End Sale dah habis okayyy. And I'm happyy ! To Lee, and Marleya, kita buat vacation kita next time okeh ? I'll make sure this year plan kita jalan ! HEE.

Okay siapa yang baca blog ni tapi tak kenal makhluk sebelah ni memang tak hardcore. HAHA. 2nd January haritu macam biasa, it's her birthdayyy ! So let's wish her happy birthdayy people !

So Siti Rosma, enjoy your 21st ! Gunakan hak mengundi anda sebaiknya ! HAHAHA ! Okay wish tak payah panjang panjang, rasanya you dah tahu apa I nak cakap kan ? :P

Anyhow, I hope you'd be HAPPY ALWAYS ! ;)

And, my baby brother, I love youuu ! Happy birthday adik ! Today, 4th January is his birthdayy ! I still can't see him as a grown up. I always look at her as my 10 years old brother yang still needs me padahal dia tak suka aku duduk dekat dekat dengan dia kut dulu.


SO people, sorry my new year post memang panjang gilaaa but whateverr so I WISH YOU GUYS, ALL THE BEST FOR 2011 AND MAY SEMUANYA BAIK BAIK SAHAJA.



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