Tuesday, March 10, 2009

okay, saya tak tahu kenapa dengan diri saya sekarang. demit.

i am in a very unstable condition now.

i think i am lovesick with the same guy for about two years. shame on me, i still live in my past.

i wish i could turn back time and didn't make the stupid decision two years back.

ouh, sorry
i sounded like a nineteen years old female who rambling bout her puppy love.
like she doesn't have life and future,
like she wouldn't meet another guys later,
like she knows what was fated for her,

i don't care, it is killing me.


i fuck love for making me this miserable.



emellia shariff said...

weh baca blog aku tau.

nurfaizah.hasim said...

itu perkara biasa.
menurut nasihat pakar.

jom berfoya2.
cari chenta baru.

miss eLyA =) said...

btol kate faizfaizzah.

haha joom me-ROMBA! (bab kate mak aku,enjoy,bab kate bapak aku,PARRRRTTEY~~!)

ikut suka ati kau la mane satu nk pilih. klau aku,aku pilih tuk,PAARRRTEEEY~!!

haha. evrybody,JOM ME-ROMBA!!!!
